SMS Alerts (for Brazilian, Canadian, Chinese, Indian, Indonesian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, UK and US Audiences only)
MARKETMENIA INDIA PVT LTD allows you to receive SMS alerts for important Order related information. You may activate SMS alerts for Renewal Reminders. These will be sent for your Orders expiring in the next 7 days.
<> in your MARKETMENIA INDIA PVT LTD account will expire on <day>, <date>. Please renew it soon.
Hosting on <> in your MARKETMENIA INDIA PVT LTD account will expire on <day>, <date>. Please renew it soon.
OR (in case of multiple Orders expiring within 7 days)
<No.> Orders in your MARKETMENIA INDIA PVT LTD account will expire on or before <day>, <date>. Please renew them soon.
Sender Information:
For an Indian mobile number, the SMS alerts will be sent with the Sender ID LM-WEBSVC.
For a Canadian and a US mobile number, the SMS alerts will be sent from +1 253-235-0001.
For a Brazilian, Russian, Spanish and UK mobile number, the SMS alerts will be sent with the Sender ID WEBSVC.
For a Chinese mobile number, the SMS alerts will be sent either with the Sender ID WEBSVC or from a number starting with +45.
For an Indonesian and a Turkish mobile number, the SMS alerts will be sent from a number starting with +44.
To Set your SMS Preference
Login to your Control Panel. See details
In the Menu, point to Settings -> System Notifications and then click SMS.
Select the checkbox for Renewal Reminder.
Then, click the Save button.
To successfully receive SMS alerts, you need to ensure that your Mobile Number is accurately updated in your Profile. See details
You may have to bear standard carrier fees for receiving SMSes.
SMS alerts will be disabled for a mobile number, if MARKETMENIA INDIA PVT LTD fails to send 5 consecutive SMSes to that number.
You cannot enable / disable SMS alerts, in case MARKETMENIA INDIA PVT LTD has chosen not to send them.
Opt-out by replying to the SMS (for Canadian and US mobile numbers only)
The SMS will contain an opt-out message and you need to simply reply with it to unsubscribe.
The opt-out message will be in the following format:
where CID will be pre-filled with your Customer ID.
On responding, our system will log your preference and you will receive an SMS confirming your unsubscription. The SMS preference page within your Customer Control Panel will now start dispalying the new status.
Invalid / Unreachable Mobile Number Notification
A notification will be displayed on the Dashboard within your Control Panel, in case you have:
not provided a mobile number,
provided an invalid mobile number,
subscribed to SMS alerts and the previous 5 attempts by us to send SMSes to the mobile number have failed.
You can update the mobile number by clicking the Update number link in the notification panel.
The mobile number can also be updated anytime from the Modify Customer Profile view within your Control Panel.
If your mobile number is valid and the non-delivery of SMSes was due to issues such as network coverage, phone being switched off, etc., you may submit the existing mobile number. The system will then make two more attempts to send SMSes to the mobile number.
If those also fail, SMS alerts will be disabled for that mobile number and you need to contact our Support Team at to have the alerts re-enabled.